Welcome to my personal web page!
I’m a researcher in Computer Science with 15+ years of experience in engineering
high-performance systems. I’m also a tinkerer with a curious mind, an
entrepreneurial spirit and a passion for technology and science. I care a lot
about the design of a sustainable environment for a future society with
abundance, more freedom and happiness.
My contributions in the area of computer systems include 25+ peer-reviewed
publications in conferences, journals and books, as well as contributions to
several research projects, conferences and dozens of paper reviews for major
conferences and journals.
Since early 2012, I’m a Software Architect and Researcher in the Emerging Technologies
Group of OnApp, a UK-based company
developing a Cloud IaaS platform with an Integrated distributed Storage system.
My work involves engineering storage software components in the Linux kernel, as
well as buidling and testing user-space distributed I/O stacks (block and file
layers). Additionally, I’m a researcher engaged in several R&D projects,
such as the Euroserver FP7-funded R&D project
for emerging, power-efficient micro-server architectures, focusing more
specifically on the topics of (i) scalable network and storage I/O, and (ii)
energy-driven resource management in cloud architectures.
My recent research activities are focused on performance, scalability,
reliability and management issues in direct-attached and distributed storage
systems. The topic of my Ph.D. thesis is “Extensible Networked-Storage
Virtualization with Metadata Management at the Block
Level”. Past research experience in the areas
of Grid computing, Distributed systems, Security, Web Caching and Network RAM.
I currently live and work at Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
- Computer Systems
- Storage Systems
- Distributed and Cloud Systems
- Virtualization / Hypervisors
- Internet Performance
PhD in Computer Science, 2009
University of Toronto, Canada.
MSc in Computer Science, 2000
University of Crete, Greece
BSc in Mathematics, 1998
University of Crete, Greece